ExpoElectronica on the edge leading the import substitution in radio electronics

From 13 to 15 April 2021, Crocus Expo in Moscow hosted the 23rd International Exhibition of Electronic Components, Modules and Systems ExpoElectronica and the 18th International Exhibition of Technologies, Equipment and Materials for Electronic and Electrical Industries ElectronTechExpo. The exhibitions were organized by ITE EXPO INTERNATIONAL
In 2021, ExpoElectronica and ElectronTechExpo traditionally became an effective communication platform for professionals in the micro and radio electronics industry. After a year of serious restrictions, many exhibitors and visitors perceived the exhibitions as a long-awaited meeting of friends. The ambiance was live with business dynamics and the joy of interpersonal communication.
The exposition of the exhibitions occupied 12 577 sq.m; 282 companies from 9 countries presented their equipment and materials, namely: Russia, China, the Republic of China (Taiwan), Germany, France, Czech Republic, Armenia, and Belarus. Foreign companies took part in the exhibitions through their representative offices and distributors. At the same time, in 2021, the participants brought even more new products, preferred bespoke stands to standard ones, and presented significantly more robotics. The organizers of the exhibitions intend to develop this direction next year. Interviews with exhibitors representing new promising sectors, Russian manufacturers, as well as new exhibitors, including “TECHNOTECH”, “GS Group”, “Elektromash”, “Novator”, “Element”, United Stand of Armenia, GC “Ostek”, “ELVIS”, “Innodrive”, “GetChips”, “ELMA”, “Serp”, and “Infineon” will be published on the exhibition websites.
More than 100 Russian manufacturers and developers of electronic components, as well as equipment and materials for the production of electronics, took part in the exhibitions in 2021, many of them exhibiting with a stand for the first time, such as: “GS Group”, “Donskoy Plant of Radio Products”, “Instrument Plant”, “Iolla”, “Rezalt Elektronika”, “Ricor Electronics”, “Kubo”, “NPP Elar”, “IPK Elektronmash”, and “Electromash”.
The distributors’ stands are worth a separate mention, with their exciting events. In particular, “Global Engineering” presented at its stand not only 16 pieces of equipment of well-known brands for assembly and installation, X-ray control, PCB inspection, but also 2 premieres: a digital microscope with a picture and a selective soldering robot. In the year of its 30th anniversary, “Ostec” Group of Companies showcased new technologies, products and services in all areas of the industry. Especially for the 30th anniversary of the Group of Companies, an interactive jubilee zone was prepared, where visitors learned about the history of the company, left their congratulations and reviews on the graffiti wall, and received souvenirs. “Golden Ball” presented products of the companies “Elecond”, “Monolith”, “Spetselectronsystems”, “Spetselektrokomplekt”, and “Kulon”, as well as the drawing of the “Golden Ticket”, a trip to Switzerland for two, for the company’s clients.
Exhibitors noted a large number of relevant visitors, including many new potential customers. Over 3 days, 11,317 industry specialists from 14 countries and 66 regions of Russia visited ExpoElectronica and ElectronTechExpo, which is 5 regions more than in 2019. The total number of regional visitors amounted at 2,939. In 2021, 5,746 new specialists visited the exhibitions, which exceeded the indicators of 2019 by 7%. The share of targeted visitors remained, it amounted to 80% (83% in 2019): 9,111 specialists visited the exhibition in search for products and services for business, and to obtain a general industry insight.
The number of purchasing decision makers increased significantly and amounted at 92% (78% in 2019). 25% of the visitors were top managers and their deputies. The density per exhibitor was 36 visitors. Adjusted for new realities, this result can be considered a significant success, which proved the interest in the electronics industry and the willingness of market participants to develop their business. In three days, applications for participation in ExpoElectronica and ElectronTechExpo 2022 were received from more than 200 companies, including 18 new ones. Work has already begun on the exposition of the next year's exhibitions.
At the venue, agreements and contracts were actively concluded. In particular, a contract was signed between “A-Contract” and “Global Engineering” for the supply of third-generation ASM Siplace SX component installation machines. “We are confident that this is a big step in mutually beneficial cooperation, which will have a positive effect on the development of both companies,” said P.V. Yankin, CEO of “Global Engineering”.
Also, a solemn signing of an agreement on cooperation between the Central Research Institute “Electronics” and MSTU “STANKIN” took place, the main areas of which were research, educational, design and analytical activities, ensuring the staffing needs of high-tech industries, organizing various types of practices, organizing scientific and practical conferences and seminars.
“Element” Group of Companies signed 7 agreements, including an agreement with “ZNAK M”, “Kvadrat Holding”, as well as with the Ministry of Education of the Novgorod Region. At ExpoElectronica 202, the enterprises of the “Element” Group of Companies presented a number of technological solutions: at the exhibitor's stand, one could get acquainted with the solutions of GC “Element” and MTS, as well as the prototype of the server on “Elbrus-8C1” developed by the order of “Sitronics”. In addition, the following equipment was presented: the “Sunflower Station S.08” videoconferencing system with an additional wireless charging function from “NIIET”; a hybrid battery based on lithium cells and supercapacitors that generates electric current for electric vehicles; a 650 W gaming PC power supply and a Vazar DUX electric bike with acceleration to 100km/h in 7 seconds from the “NZPP OKB United Plant”; serial products and novelties in the segments of personal identification, object identification, electronic components for industrial use, the Internet of things and car electronics from “Micron”, and many more.
The hightech industry creates the infrastructure for high performance sports. One of the brightest athletes who are fighting for the honor of the country today, pushing the boundaries and showing the world a Russian character, the young figure skater Alexandra Trusova, bronze medalist of the World Figure Skating Championships in 2021, supported the radio electronics enterprises in their ambitious plans. On 14 April, at the GC “Element”'s stand, an autograph session of Alexandra Trusova took place, where about 200 postcards were signed.
In addition, GS “Element” prepared a gift for all exhibitors and visitors of ExpoElectronica 2021: 2 leadership courses on the Online Academy online platform for free. To gain access, you must register using the link.
Business program
ExpoElectronica and ElectronTechExpo were accompanied by an extensive business program. Over three days, 26 events of the business program with 104 speakers — industry experts were attended by more than 1,000 unique visitors.
Representatives of the Federal executive authorities took part in the business programme, namely: Vasily Shpak, Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation; Yuri Plyasunov, Deputy Director of the Department of the Radio-Electronic Industry, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia; Dmitry Chernov, Deputy Director of the Department of Automotive Industry and Railway Engineering, Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia; Alexander Ponkin, Director of the Department for Stimulating Demand for Radioelectronic Products, Ministry of Digital Industry of the Russian Federation; Konstantin Dolgov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy; Denis Kravchenko, Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation for Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship.
On the first day, an open meeting of the Standing Working Group under the Expert Council for the Development of the Electronic and Radio Electronic Industry under the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship on the topic “Provision of Electronics with Production Means and Personnel” took place. At the meeting, a presentation was made of the Consortium of Means of Production Association, designed to become a permanent expert network capable of providing substantiated, high-quality analytics in order to make effective management decisions by the industry leadership and the possibility of implementing projects of any complexity.
On 14 April, at the ElectronTechExpo site, a closed meeting with the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation Oleg Ivanovich Bochkarev took place on the issue of supporting domestic manufacturers of materials (including foil-clad dielectrics), equipment and technologies (production of chemical materials) required for the manufacture of printed circuit boards. The meeting was attended by representatives of Federal legislative and executive authorities, as well as developers, manufacturers and consumers of materials and equipment, including: Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation O.I. Bochkarev; Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship D.B. Kravchenko; member of the Federation Council Committee on Economic Policy E.V. Isakov; member of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, representative in the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from the executive body of state power of the Murmansk region K.K. Dolgov; Deputy Director General for Science of FSUE “VIAM” B.F. Pavlyuk; R.N. Zhurikov, Head of department of the Federal State Budgetary Institution “46 Central Research Institute” of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, and others.
As a result of the meeting, it was proposed to consider the creation of an industry association for interaction with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and to find a platform for communication with the technologists of enterprises and the promotion of goods and services.
All VIP-guests got acquainted with the exposition of the exhibitions.
Technical seminars of the exhibition participants were held in the Big Hall of the “Aquarium Hotel”, where specialists presented their own production technologies and shared their professional experience. The program of technical seminars was attended by: “Elekon Plant”, “Kulon”, “Integral-Zapad”, “Display Design Bureau”, “SWAGELOK”, “Micron”, and “Avantech”. Seminars of the companies “NPO ERKON”, “Infineon Technologies”, “Promtekhkomplekt”, “TD Promelectronica”, “Magneton Plant”, “EREMEX”, and “Proton” were held in the Small Hall.
The main event of the final day of the exhibitions was the ceremony of awarding the winners of the first ELECTRONICA Prize, created in 2021 by the ExpoElectronica team and ElectronTechExpo with the support of the Association of Russian Electronics Manufacturers (ARPE); “Electronics NTB” was the exclusive information partner.
The awards were given in 6 nominations based on the results of a 2-stage voting by experts (exhibitors) and visitors. The winners of the first ELECTRONICA Business Award in 2021 were:
- NIIET and Research Institute of Molecular Electronics — nomination “Micro and nanoelectronics”;
- “BALT-OPTIM” and “Rezonit” — nomination “Contract Manufacturing and Development”;
- “Proton-Electrotex” — nomination “Power Electronics”;
- “TECHNOTECH” and “Rezonit” — nomination “Localization of Production in Russia”;
- “Ostec-Integra” (GC “Ostec) — nomination “Russian Distributors of Equipment”;
- “GetChips” — nomination “Russian Distributors of Electronic Components”. All nominees were awarded with diplomas and bouquets. The laureates were awarded with personalized ELECTRONICA Prize statuettes and plaques, produced according to an exclusive design. It will be possible to apply for participation in the 2022 Prize starting from 1 August 2021.
Exhibitions partners
Intellectual partner — GK “Ostek”; Sponsor of the official guide of the exhibition — SPC “ELVIS”; Sponsor of the entrance group — “Mornsun”; Sponsor of electronic registration — “GetChips”.