ExpoElectronica 2023 business programme

The 25th International Exhibition will start in 3 weeks
In 3 weeks, the 25th International Exhibition ExpoElectronica will start - the largest electronics exhibition in Russia and the EAEU in terms of the number of exhibitors and visitors.
This year, on the eve of the anniversary, we have expanded the composition of the exposition and updated our brand to reflect the needs of industry representatives and provide our audience with a platform that meets the current conditions and trends in Russian electronics. ExpoElectronica 2023 consists of 3 large sections and 26 subsections, which present the entire production chain - from the manufacture of components to the development and assembly of final electronic systems.
This solution makes it possible to organize a single platform for industry experts, where it is possible to effectively establish interaction with Russian and international participants, study the products of leading and new companies, and jointly solve business problems facing industry participants.
The most relevant topics and tasks for the business community are reflected in the ExpoElectronica 2023 business programme.
Main Hall (Main Arena) Together with representatives of federal authorities, industry associations and consortiums, the venue will host:
Analytical session "Russian electronics: formation of a national quality system". Industry experts, representatives of government organizations and research institutes will raise issues of changes in the Russian electronics market and discuss mechanisms for ensuring the quality of the Russian component base used in products.
Round table "Actual issues of APCS in industry". Participants will discuss the most pressing challenges in the field of industrial process control systems and share their proposals for solving these problems.
Expert session "International cooperation in the electronics industry". As part of the event, experts will talk about the available methods and tools for international cooperation in modern realities, logistics, supplier security checks, and much more.
Hall "Robotics" With the participation of the Consortium of Robotics and Intelligent Guidance Systems, the site will discuss the features of the development of domestic robotics as its own high-tech section. Today, there is a low level of awareness of participants about domestic solutions and developments in this area. A single communication platform will allow representatives of Consortiums and Associations to exchange professional experience, best practices, as well as develop cooperation with authorities and representatives of various industries.
In addition, as part of the ExpoElectronica 2023 business programme, the following events will take place:
Discussion battle, where participants will be invited to hear the opinions of experts on hot topics in the industry;
Round table devoted to measures to support telecommunication technologies and provision of personnel for the electronics industry;
Electronica Award Ceremony for participants of the ExpoElectronica exhibition and the School of Digital Circuit Synthesis;
Technical seminars of the exhibitors will be held in Large and Small Halls of the Aquarium Hotel, next to Hall 15 of the Crocus Expo.
Visiting the events of the business programme and Technical seminars is free of charge with a ticket to the exhibition.
The exhibition will take place on April 11-13 at the Crocus Expo IEC.
Get a free e-ticket with the promo code EENEWS to visit ExpoElectronica 2023. We are waiting for you on April 11-13 at the Crocus Expo IEC!