ExpoElectronica 2025 exhibitor list published

We are glad to announce the exhibitor list for ExpoElectronica’s 2025 edition, set to take place betweek 15-17 April 2025
The published list features exhibitors of ExpoElectronica, the largest international electronics exhibition in Eurasia by both exhibitor and visitor numbers. It covers the entire production chain, from component manufacturing to the development and assembly of final electronic systems.
EXHIBITORS AT EXPOELECTRONICA 2025*The list is being actively updated and will be finalised by the start of the exhibition.
ExpoElectronica 2025 attendees:
- Manufacturers and distributors of all kinds of electronic components
- Semiconductor manufacturers
- Suppliers of equipment and materials for electronics manufacturing
- Manufacturers and distributors of printed circuit boards
- Power electronics manufacturers
- Electronics design and development services
- Developers and suppliers of embedded systems
- Electronics manufacturing companies
- EMS companies
- Robotics and industrial automation manufacturers/developers
- Manufacturers and suppliers of test and measurement equipment
- Private equity firms and related companies.
To date, over 550 Russian and international companies, including industry leaders and promising market players, have confirmed their participation in the upcoming ExpoElectronica exhibition. The exhibitor count continues to grow daily.
Confirmed exhibitors include: Akmetron JSC, Alfa-Lab Company LLC, ASCON-Design Systems LLC, Avantech Logistics LLC, SINTI LLC, AEDON LLC, Global Engineering LLC, MIR LLC, NPP PROTON LLC, PLANAR LLC, OSTEK-SMT, RU Elektroniks LLC, Inelso LLC, KolorElektroniks LLC, PriST JSC, Uralsvyazsnab LLC, Kulon, LEPKOS LLC, MATRIX ELECTRONIKA LLC, VZRD Monolit, NIITM JSC, RADIOTECH LLC and many other companies.
- Each exhibitor card includes a brief company description, contact details, and stand number.